Community Facilitator:
90 Days to Build Your Hybrid Community

Community Facilitator is designed for natural community builders who want to be at the heart of their own hybrid community.

Familiar with holding space, online/offline, this program guides you to create the community you have been dreaming of, with a framework that feels positive and possible. Gamified!

Limited 1:1 spots available
Waitlist available for group cohort


You’ve moved and you work remotely, and while you are sociable, you’re not feeling as connected as you’d like to be right now.

you’re ready to reconnect with your favourite people again - people you can be your best self around.

You’re ready to start doing things that light you up with people who raise your vibration.

To reallocate your time from activities and social platforms and relationships that aren't serving you.

To start living your life with more intention and feel like you’re part of something… your own community!


There ARE people in your orbit who you’d like in your life more.

You find yourself feeling overwhelmed by the number of people you should be keeping in contact with.

Time passes you by on social media, without any return on investment. I totally get it. Social media can be be a valuable resource if we use it right - but if we follow the algorithm, it’s easy for time to evaporate.


I told you that in 90-days you’ll have clarity on where you want to spend your time (online/offline - everywhere!).

You’ll have reconnected with old friends, deepened relationships and attracted new people into your life, and I will help you get there.

Through my own trials (and plenty of errors!) hosting 1:1’s, circles and gatherings, speaking to people at retreats, workshops and on my podcast, I have found my purpose - my calling, and this is to help you feel connected and supported, with research-backed tools and strategies that I can’t wait for you to put into practice.

Now, the question is: "How do I find these people and invite them into my life?" "How do I reclaim my time and energy to focus on what brings me joy?" Join Community Facilitator: 90 Days to Build Your Hybrid Community.

Research indicates that having 12 - 15 close social connections is good for our health and happiness. We know it's possible to feel lonely even in a crowd, if you’re unable to be yourself.

This program is designed to help you visualise and build your “Communiverse” of 50 to 150 people.

We’ll work together, to figure out how you want yours to look and feel, and which platforms and spaces you want to invite people into.

“True belonging doesn’t require you to change who you are, it requires you to be who you are” - Brene Brown

I've been there, and I also know what's possible. I went from feeling disconnected living in a new country, to reconnecting with my people around the world and finding soul connections where I am.

Hosting events in the Metaverse, and on retreat, and launching a Podcast - Rediscovering Connection.

If you’re still reading, I think this program may be what you’re looking for. Take the next step and book a discovery call - with no obligation. If it feels right, I trust that we will both know.

This program is for you if:

  • You have great people in your life, yet you often feel disconnected or unable to communicate what’s going on with you.

  • You’re tired of feeling the constant pull of social media, and while you have plenty to share, you rarely do.

  • You yearn for deeper connections, but limited with time.

  • You're prepared to receive guidance from someone whose life purpose is to do this work.

  • Who’s spent two years testing in her own life and taking clients through her program.

  • You're prepared to invite people into your life without expectations or limitations.

  • You're determined to let go of doubt and fully embrace the idea of establishing relationships that fuel your soul and support your growth
    (in person and online).

  • You’re ready to feel more connected and supported than ever.


Community Facilitator:
90 Days to Build Your Hybrid Community

This is how I work with clients

  • Time Commitment: 90-days or fast-track your journey with a VIP Day.

  • Format 6 x 60 minute 1:1 coaching sessions, every two weeks.

  • Email or Telegram support between sessions.

  • Option to join weekly “co-working” sessions, to focus on communications and copywriting with my support and the energy of others.

  • Workbooks provided at every coaching session.

Session 1: Reconnect with Self

Reconnecting with ourselves is the first step to living our best life. We’ll explore what ignites your passion, what qualities and values define you, your stories, curiosities, and the people you admire - near or far. With visualization exercises and coaching, to help you remember who you are, so that you can begin showing up as your most authentic self.

Session 2: Your People

It’s time to remember the people and communities you authentically connect with. You’ll gain a deep understanding of Dunbar’s Number and imagine where the people in your life currently sit, to see where the openings are. You’ll build the courage to invite people into your life without expectation, and will naturally begin attracting them in.

Session 3: Your Places

This is a chance to examine where you spend your time, in person and online and which spaces are serving your future self.
You’ll think about where you want to be and what you want to share, to be more structured and intentional with your personal time and communications.

Session 4: A New Way of Communicating

It’s time to step out of your current paradigm and explore a new way of communicating - authentically, positively, intuitively. And, you’ll learn how to consciously shift your energy, for new activities and interactions.

Option to switch out any of these weeks - to explore Podcasting or the Metaverse.

Session 5: Games

During this module, we’ll explore relationship deepening games and exercises, to find one that feels good for you to play - in the real world (in person or online).

Session 6: Your Communiverse*

It’s time to establish the people, communities, and places - on-and-offline, that you want to invite into your Beta Communiverse. You’ll complete the first iteration, and together, we’ll plan how to make this so.

BONUS: 1:1 Accountability check-in (4 – 6 WEEKS LATER).

*Coaching continues for those in the Community Facilitator pathway, for up to 22 weeks.


In 3 months you'll experience remarkable transformations.

You'll go from feeling like a passive spectator in life, to feeling more connected and supported than ever

Working with Shelley has been a game-changer!

“Her coaching inspired me to nurture a personal community of like-minded individuals who share my values and passions. She helped me identify my stories and interests, connect with others who share them, and start to build a close-knit, supportive community both online and offline. I highly recommend Shelley’s coaching to anyone ready to build a thriving personal community."

Louise Cave